Plan your Self-Care in Advance

Plan your Self-Care in Advance

Does your self-care often fall by the wayside?  If so, it might be because you don’t plan for it in advance.

When we’re rushing through our days, we tend to jump from one activity to another without thinking or taking a break. 

However, if we take time out to plan time for our self-care, then it becomes part of our routine, and we don’t skip over it. (For a reminder of the importance of self-care, check out this blog).

The best way to do this is to take stock of your next day’s schedule, the night before.  In the evening, compile a list of everything you need to get done the following day, figure out how long each task will take, and then decide when you’ll complete each one.  Afterwards, you can choose where a certain self-care treat will fit into your day.

For instance, do you jump out of bed the second your alarm goes off?  How about taking 10 minutes after your alarm goes off in order to meditate?  It’s only a few minutes, and it will set you up for your day. 

I started doing this years ago (although for longer than 10 minutes), and it changed my life.  I got out of bed feeling calmer, more centered, and with a focus for the day ahead.  That allowed me to go about the rest of my day with more happiness and success.

In more recent times, I’ve had to start doing stretches in order to alleviate pain (luckily my body has given me enough energy to accomplish said stretches).  That has automatically become part of my start-the-day routine as well…because in order to ensure that I have time to do my stretches, and I actually do them, I do them after I get out of bed and before I do anything else.  I know that if I leave the stretches for later in the day, then something will get in the way of my doing them.  So, I prioritize and schedule my stretches in advance.

That’s just the beginning of my day, though.  I have self-care strewn throughout my day, even if it’s just five minutes of closing my eyes after using the computer, when my brain has turned to mush.

My point is, is that you have to decide what you need to do in order to take care of yourself.

Then, you need to plan in advance how you’re going to schedule your self-care into your day.

Otherwise, it likely won’t get done.

Do you agree?

Do you need to plan your self-care in advance?  Do you think that you don’t have time for self-care?  If that’s the case, then we need to have a whole other conversation.  But in the meantime, try to do something for your mind, body, and/or soul every day, even if it’s just for a few minutes.  It WILL make a difference in how you feel.

And remember to plan it in advance so that you actually do it!

If you’re up to it, let me know how it goes.  I’d love to hear from you!

All my love and hugs,


Ps. Here’s some classic music to get you in the groove.  Thanks to Rocky for the motivation (hey, maybe you want to run, strength train, or box for some of your self-care!  Or if you can’t exercise, then just listen to the encouraging soundtrack and let your Soul take it in!)!