How to Turn Mundane Tasks into Fun!

How to Turn Mundane Tasks into Fun!

Are you tired of repeating daily or weekly mundane tasks and chores?

Then listen up!  Because the following will change your perspective, and therefore, your life!

We need to look at boring chores and mundane tasks as new adventures, every time we do them. 

Because otherwise, the repetition can turn into agony where we’re just waiting for parts of our lives to end. 

I certainly know what this is like.  Most of my days are spent doing the same self-care tasks over and over again (most of my days consist of only doing self-care tasks, since they’re all I have the energy and time to do… especially given the fact that I have to sleep for so many hours).

So, I get irritated and want to rush through all of my mundane tasks, in order to be able to actually do something fun, productive, or relaxing.  Therefore, I look for ways to enjoy my chores, in different ways each day.

There are a number of ways to do this.  One classic way is to start paying close attention to everything around you, and to see what’s new.  For instance, when you’re vacuuming, look around each room you’re in, and try to notice something that you’ve never noticed before.  Is there something about the position of an art piece on a shelf?  Is there something in the way the sun is shining onto the floor space?  Is it the way the colors complement each other between the furniture and the carpet?  Noticing new things will bring your mind and heart to a place of interest and fascination.

Another way to stop mundane tasks from being mundane, is to make them truly fun!

I’m a big lover of music, and of musical theater.  Years ago, when I watched the 25th anniversary production of The Phantom of the Opera, I fell in love with the actors and the production.  I watched the performance, and listened to the music so much, that it started automatically playing on repeat in my head.

So, when I would take a shower, I would run through the performance in my head.  I didn’t have the energy to sing out loud, but I visualized each scene consecutively, and sang the songs silently in my head.  Suddenly, I almost started looking forward to my shower times, and then they flew by so fast that I almost wished they were longer!  I was enjoying the scenery and music so much!

My whole experience changed, and that changed my whole life.  That’s because, to most people, showering is a quick in-and-out process.  For me, especially when I was feeling worse, I wouldn’t take showers too often, because I lacked the energy.  Then, when I did shower, I had to move slowly, careful not to fall or over-exert myself.  All I wanted was for the time to be over, so that I could lie down and rest again.  Therefore, changing my entire shower experience changed my whole outlook on that ‘project,’ the section of my day that it took up, and my whole day in general (because when you dread something, those negative feelings often seep into other parts of your day).

That’s why I recommend bringing something you love into your routine mundane tasks.  Those tasks will never be so boring again!

Comment below about what tasks you find repetitive and boring.  What drives you crazy?  Then, write what you can do about it!  How can you change the experience and see it differently?  You’ll bring change to your own life, and inspire others to change theirs!

Thank you, and all my love and hugs!


Ps. Know someone who’s sick and tired of mundane tasks?  Forward this to them so they can change up their routines!  Let’s start making our lives more fun!

Pps. Thanks to Disney’s Snow White for the inspiration to “Whistle While You Work!”

And here’s one scene from that 25th anniversary production of Phantom of the Opera.  How can you not fall in love with Ramin Karimloo, Sierra Boggess, and the music (Andrew Lloyd Webber)?!