Taking Chances: Reaching Out to People

Taking Chances: Reaching Out to People

Are you a risk-taker?  Do you dare to reach out to people in order to get to know them?

In my blog post “5 Ways to Prove You’re Never Alone, and that Life CAN get Better,” I told you that people who are already in your life, and people who are not yet in your life, are there for you.

I’d like to know if, since reading that blog, you’ve taken action by trying to meet, or get to know, anyone better.

Because I know it can be scary getting to know people better.

When we get to know new people, or open ourselves up to people we already know, we start exposing our private secrets, which may feel extremely uncomfortable.  We may be nervous that the other person will judge us and reject us. 

But I must tell you, that taking the chance of reaching out to people is worth the risk. 

It’s impossible to get close to anyone without opening ourselves up.  Because it’s hard to live life when we’re putting on a show and lying to the world about what we’re really feeling or going through. 

I know how uncomfortable I felt in sharing my story with people, in my early years of being sick.  I thought they wouldn’t have interest in me, or that they’d leave me.  And while I did find out who true friends were, and who were not (who stuck around and who left), I found other people to fill their places.  And those new people became much more important to me, and I to them.

I’ve been blessed to have friends and family in my life who love and support me, through my tough times.  They stick around and are understanding of my limitations.  They don’t ask me to do more than I can do, and they’re appreciative of what I can do.  I couldn’t love them more for that.  It shows what GOODNESS lies within them.  I just hope I can do them justice and make them feel as loved and appreciated as they make me feel.

And I want YOU to find GOODNESS in others too!  So, I hope you’ll think about how you can broaden your horizons and make closer connections with people.  It won’t happen unless you search, reach out, and then give people a chance!  They may surprise you. 

And the right people in your life change your world completely.  I have become so much happier, self-confident, and loving, just by relating to certain people on a deeper level.

So, please, tell me in the comments what you’re doing to find new people, or to get closer to people you already know!  I’m excited for the changes that will come into your life as a result of taking chances and reaching out to them!

Good luck!

All my love and hugs,


Ps. Please pass this on to someone you know, or just met; it may just bring you closer together!

Pps. Even Celine Dion asks, “What do you say to Taking Chances?”:
