5 ways to Prove You’re Never Alone, and that Life CAN get Better

5 ways to Prove You’re Never Alone, and that Life CAN get Better

Do you believe you’re never alone, and that your life can get better?  No matter what?

In my last blog, I promised you that both of these facts are true.

But do you believe me?

Well, if you don’t believe me, if you’re not sure, or if you WANT to believe me, here are 5 ways to prove these facts are true:

1. You always have your SELF. 

Obviously you know that you’re always in your own life; you’re constantly thinking and feeling, and perhaps chastising yourself.

But have you thought about your SELF, and what your SELF actually is? 

Your SELF is whatever higher power you may believe in (be it the Universe, Mother Nature, God, etc).  Since I believe that your higher power is always trying to make life best for you, you always have this resource deep within you.

Have you ever had butterflies or a “gut feeling” about something?  That’s your SELF, or your higher power, guiding you to do, or not do, what’s best for you.  I call this your Gut GuideTM.

And your Gut GuideTM is always there for you, 24/7.  Just ask for help, and then listen for an answer!

2. Look at everyone around you who’s in your life.

Who is with you now, whether it be at home, school, work, in social circles, or anywhere else? 

Are you close with anyone?  Is anyone helping you in some way?  Are you helping anyone?

Can you ASK anyone for help?

Can you get to know anyone better, so that you can be there for each other?

It can feel out of your comfort zone, but reaching out to, and utilizing, the people who are already in your life, can help you in unimaginable ways!  You’d be surprised at how willing and happy most people are to help others, especially those they care about!  I’ve been lucky to have family and friends who help, love, and support me.

3. Look around for people who COULD be in your life.

Who have you met, or been acquainted with, who seems like a potential friend? 

What groups (in-person or online) have you joined in order to meet new people?

What trustworthy strangers (ahem-ahem 😉) have you found whom you find inspiring, and who love you?

There is a world of people you haven’t met yet.  And they already love you!  All you have to do is search and then be brave in reaching out.  Or, just read a weekly blog that resonates with you 😉.

I know that when I’ve taken the leap, I’ve found dear friends who have changed my life; they fill my life with so much love, joy, and support.  This helps keep me going every day! Although for years, I relied on spiritual and practical teachers to be my “friends,” even though I just followed their blogs/vlogs!

4. Think of any miracle or “coincidence,” big or small, that you’ve experienced in your life.

When did something unexpectedly good happen?  Have you experienced any miracles or “coincidences?” 

I don’t believe in coincidences.  As I mentioned above, I believe that the higher power we each believe in, is constantly working to try to make our lives the best they can be.

So, remember the surprise you felt when your miracle happened.  KNOW that it can happen again!  Your life CAN get better!  I know mine has; I’ve experienced many miracles (more to come on that later).

5. Think of when you made a brave choice.

Did you ever make a choice that was difficult, but you knew it was your better option than the easier choice?

Did you ever REGRET not making the more difficult choice?

Either way, your chances don’t run out!  You can still make your own choices!  And yes, I know that sometimes life prevents us from having choices.  But usually, there’s SOMETHING we can do, whether it’s thinking or acting more boldly, doing research, asking for help, etc.  The key is being brave and taking your right action.  Making choices based on what my Gut GuideTM tells me, never leads me astray.

So have I convinced you?  Are you still on the fence?

Well, stick around, because I have more where that came from!

Stay tuned for more tips and inspiration.

To receive them, make sure you’re signed up to my weekly email list, and follow me on social media (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram).

Then comment down below about how you feel about never being alone, and knowing that your life can get better!  I always want to hear from you, and you can help others in the comment section as well. I’ll do my best to reply to every comment!

All my love and hugs!


Ps. If this blog helped you, or if you know someone it could help, please share it with them!  It can make all the difference in their life!

Pps. If you don’t believe me about not being alone, then listen to Michael Bublé! His song “Lost” fills my soul, and comforts and inspires me, every time I listen to it.