Take One Small Step at a Time to Create New Habits

Take One Small Step at a Time to Create New Habits

Creating new habits is not as difficult as most people say it is.

If you’ve “failed” at sticking to a new habit, you may now be thinking, “how rude, Stephanie!”

So, I want to clear things up.

The main reason why people fail at creating new habits is because they take on too much at one time.  They set themselves up for failure by overloading and overwhelming their bodies, brains, and emotions, by planning to do too much.

For instance, when I decided to start my website/blog, I told myself that I could write one post per week and stick to a weekly posting schedule.  But deep down, I knew that something would eventually happen which would kick me off my schedule (ex: maybe I’d go into one of my worse physical phases for a while and be unable to write).  And that event would prevent me from sticking to my promise to you to post one blog each week. 

So, I decided to write a bunch of posts in advance, in order to have prepared blogs ready to publish, while I started presenting my website and social media to the world (and I must say, it is quite a job to build your own website and stay on top of all sorts of media when you’re not feeling well!).

This has saved me sooo much stress and brought me lots of success. 

Because now I can relax into the fact that I’m weeks ahead of schedule.  So, whenever I feel the energy and inspiration to write a blog piece, and I have time to do it, I can write without any pressure.

This is why I recommend taking smaller steps to create new habits.  By taking baby steps, such as writing one blog post whenever I can, it allows me/us to feel safe, relaxed, excited and confident.  Because when we reach our first milestone, the happiness we feel encourages us to go for the next one.

With time, after you’ve taken your baby steps for a while, you may find a flow.  Once you’re in that flow, you can then start adding items to your list in order to stack your habits.  Because it’s much easier to add a new habit to your to-do list when you’re already in the groove of carrying out another.

So, the next time you want to create new habits, reconsider trying to create change and progress by jumping in leaps and bounds.  Instead, start things low and slow; starting things in smaller amounts may just be what helps you succeed.  And that’s what we all want!

Now tell me in the comments below, what new habit(s) are you trying to implement in your life?  Are you starting with baby steps, or taking giant leaps?  Let me know how it’s going for you!  I always love to hear from you!  And remember, you can always inspire others with your experience and point of view!

All my love and hugs,


Ps. If you think this post can help someone implement new habits in their life, please pass it on to them.  They’ll thank you for it!

Pps. “Small steps work every time, and habits are built by consistency, so the two were meant to be together.”
-Stephen Guise