Announcement 📢 : Changes Happening

First of all, I’d like to thank you, with all of my heart, for joining me in our journeys to creating happier, more fulfilling, and more loving lives.

Unfortunately, due to my current health status, I need to make some changes to how I do things:

For the time being, I will no longer be able to post and email out blogs (or do posts on several social media platforms) every week.

HOWEVER, I WILL send out emails (blogs and announcements) as I’m able to.

AND, I WILL be posting shorter thoughts and announcements on Twitter, which provides a quick and easy platform for communication.

So, if you have not already followed me on Twitter, I would love it if you would please do so now.  Just click the following link to get to my Twitter page:  Then click “Follow” (you need to have created a Twitter account in order to do this).

IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A TWITTER ACCOUNT, you should still be able to see all of my posts if you go to this link:

Thank you so much in advance for your understanding, and I do hope you stick with me.  

Life throws things at us sometimes that we cannot control, so we must do our best to work around them.

Here’s to doing our best in order to live our best lives possible.

Wishing you good things, and sending you all of my love and hugs, as usual,